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teaching planning

  • Guoyeli Action Learning Community Service

  • 2018 High School Vocational Action Learning Mid-term Results Announcement Conference and International Experience Exchange

  • Booth explanation of the 4th Taipei Science Day

  • 106 academic year digital learning experimental class off-campus enrollment

  • 107 Annual Senior Middle School Curriculum Expo Student Achievement Exhibition

intramural competition

  • 106th academic year natural subject ability competition earth science

  • 106 school year multilingual competition phonetic font

  • 107 school year national language competition phonetic font

  • ​​ The 107th school year in-school mathematics ability competition

  • Outstanding student representative of the class in the second semester of the 107 academic year

off-campus competition

  • The 1071031st National Senior High School Reading Experience Writing Competition

  • The 1070315th National Senior High School Reading Experience Writing Competition

  • The 1080331st Echelon National Senior Secondary School Small Essay Writing Competition

  • 2018 AMC10

  • Smart Iron Man Creative Competition

  • The 106 school year campus tobacco and alcohol hazard prevention education intervention counseling program "Internet celebrity is you" short film competition

  • The 20th Taiwan TRML High School Mathematics Competition

  • TANET2018 Taiwan Internet Seminar Published

  • 2019 National Senior High School Gao Zhan Special Achievement Joint Presentation Conference

Intramural Camp

  • The 106 academic year winter vacation "Bu." Digital Application Reading Enhancement Exploration Camp

  • "The Digital Movie Era" for the 106th school year

     Multimedia Expression Camp

  • 107 Academic Year Summer "Basic." Digital Application Reading  Enhanced Exploration Camp

  • 107 academic year winter vacation "color." digital application reading  Enhanced Exploration Camp

  • 2018 VR Education Experience Camp

Exchange activities

  • 106 Academic Year Japan Honorary College Exchange

  • 106 School Year Digital Learning Experiment Class Hong Kong Education Exchange

  • 2018 Dublin, Ireland Summer Overseas Study Camp

  • Digital Learning Experiment Class Educational Trip

Results published

  • The 2nd Digital Learning Experiment Class Exhibition "First Release"

  • The 2nd Digital Learning Experiment Class Results Presentation Conference "The Journey of the Heart: The Road to the Generation of the Heart"

School activities

  • Interview with Daai TV's "Youth Loves Reading" program

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